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Featured Sponsors Elizabeth Street  Painters

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since September 29, 2009

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BOBBY BOWENS :: Jul 3, 2010, 8:41 pm
Hi Rich, this is a beautiful site and the pictures of those schools were so beautiful I wondered if I had ever been there-lol. The work you are doing for these kids is fantastic, so keep it up, I have retired and will soon be moving to Texas. However I will have more time to coach. bbowens8@aol.com
mom :: Feb 7, 2010, 8:33 pm
thanks for such a positive program for our youths.....thx Bullets
Parent :: Nov 15, 2009, 8:53 am
Great site, easy to use and much better for keeping up to date with game time and locations. Thanks!
Anonymous :: Nov 1, 2009, 1:30 am
Love the new site Rich. ARC is the best program for the kids, hands down. Thanks for all you do heres to your next 35 years!
DeVerion Mackey :: Oct 29, 2009, 2:30 pm
Hey Rich, man its been a min....just wanted to touch basis with u and Icart. Hope everything is well and you guys are working our future stars as hard as you worked us. Thanks to you and your program, dedication, and patience, i was taught the basic fundementals of the game that helped me grow as a person on the court and in the class room. Thanks to you and Icart,I was blessed with a full scholarship to Azuza pacific in wich i recieved my BA degree. If there's anyway or anything i can do to repay you for the best experience of my life, pls feel free to contact me at dmackey07@gmail.com or by phone 626-710-6316. hope to hear from u guys soon...
Steve :: Oct 28, 2009, 8:19 pm
Wow, Great Site Rich